Friday 10 May 2013

Sword beach, more bunkers and a chateau...

Sword beach takes us right up the River Orne and the Caen Canal which were used to secure the eastern most flank of the beach heads. I'll be visiting the British airborne landing zones that either secured some vital bridges over these rivers or destroyed them tomorrow and posting on those actions then.

View from la Breche d'Hermanville looking back towards Juno in the West. Further along the beach we have Colleville-Montgomery...and if that does not sound very French it is because they renamed it in his how many people have a town and a breakfast named after them?

Above this town on the heights of Perriers ridge is a well-preserved German strongpoint, Hillman. The photo below shows what a commanding view this had of the beaches below.

And yes, you can go in, and yes I did. It has been recreated to show the command post as it was on D-Day. Needs a whole post on it's own!
Finally I checked out the 'command post' established by Monty and the rest of the top brass...funnily enough in a Chateau...

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